Friday, January 27, 2012

Working Away...

Of all things... my photoshop crashed tonight. It's in need of a reinstall; which we will do in the morning.

Did a lot of drawing this week and a lot of thinking and a lot of dreaming about drawing too.

But for now, I'm letting the process take me wherever it needs to go.


Jennifer said...

Love that the process is working so well for you! I'm loving the result, that's for sure!

Jamie Lees said...

Thanks Jen. SO HAPPY you asked me to play along. Loving your result as well!

Jamie Lees said...

Frank spent nearly 6 hours removing, installing, reinstalling, reading and trouble shooting corrupted fonts. Photoshop back up and running. Patience of Job that man.

I feel a drawing coming on.

Carol said...

It's great to see your 'work in action' and you weren't kidding about your output...blimey woman...there are a lot of interesting looking drawings on that there piece of paper!!

C x

Ps. Totally know what you mean about dreaming of drawing...I've been doing that too.

Jamie Lees said...

Thanks Carol. Last night I dreamt of fonts! Likely do to my photoshop font issue on Friday night.