Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Big Ass Canvas

Working on some colour studies for my 40'' x 40'' big ass canvas. It will be the largest one I've ever painted. I'll be submitting it to Nancy John's 40 by 40 show in April. Stand by for visual updates.


Carol said...

Ooooh...you will share the final image with us won't you? That looks really interesting and I love what you have done in the first photo!

C x

Jamie Lees said...

Yes I will share in stage and final piece. Although my colour studies are telling me my ideas won't work for this canvas. On to plan B!

Jennifer said...

Love! But, sometimes you need to move on to plan B. Plan A can always become something else altogether.

Jamie Lees said...

Very true Jen. I already have a home for plan A... small 10 x 10 boards. Would like to start on those... CUZ THE BIG CANVAS IS SCARING ME!! LOL.