Saturday, February 25, 2012

Escape From Turtle Island

Here is a small drawing I did of one of my large intuitive paintings. Strangely piles of rocks regularly appear in these images. The original painting (below) is called "Escape From Turtle Island" and was painted with Prang tempera on bristol paper, 26' x 40''. 

Natalia Rosenfeld will back in our area this Fall 2012 to teach another awesome 5 day intuitive painting workshop. If you can't make it to our area and want her to come to your town, just drop her a line! 


Carol said...

Humph, I did leave a message here the other day...wonder what happened to it!?

I think this is stunning! I love both the drawing and the painting

C x

Jamie Lees said...

Thanks Carol it was fun to do.

Grrr I know what you mean. I've experienced that on yours too. Sometimes it asks for that non-spam messed up word to type in and sometimes not. It's usually at the bottom of the page and sometimes I miss it.

Jennifer said...

Interesting about the rocks. I believe they symbolize strength and power, so likely a good thing they turned up in these paintings. At any rate - like a lot. Love the carpet!

Jamie Lees said...

Thanks Jen. The rocks do seem to be everywhere. Have found them in the throat of many of my people drawings.