I love flat land. When I lived in Vancouver in the early 1980's I was surrounded by mountains, I felt like I was in a box. A box with very, high sides. A box where you couldn't see possibilities, the future, the way, or the horizon.
In 1988 I moved for a short time to the prairies of Canada. I loved the flat, expansive terrain. As they say in Saskatchewan, "You can stand on a chair and watch your dog leave home for 3 days." I want this painting to have the feeling of the big sky of the prairies. I wonder if I can make that happen?
Tonight I worked on the foreground, creating layers of glazes with a matt gel and a beautiful mustard paint. Also I did some more colour testing in my sketch book. When I pencil Margaret onto the canvas I will need to gesso her face in white over top of the blue sky. This will allow a neutral colour base for me to paint her features and skin tones. The white gesso test covered nicely in my sketch book.
With all of these books laying about, you might think I keep a messy studio. In actuality the studio is pretty neat and organized. The books are stacked as weights, pressing flat Margaret's clothing which I cut out earlier this evening. But you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see her pretty dress.
Thanks for stopping by the studio for a visit.
1 comment:
I can't even begin to tell you how much I am enjoying following your progress!
C x
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